Submitted Conference Content

Full name

Marie-Christine PESSIOT

Job Consultant
email mcpessiot [at] gmail [dot] com
Skypeid carpediemb4
Phone number +33 616 443 269
City (Country) Le Pontet - France
Time 1h
Type of Conference Conference-Workshop > 100 attendees
Level Everybody

Agile solves 90% of your managerial problems


Since that and for over 8 years, I have been actively supporting Agile approaches. I mainly act as an Agile Consultant, trainer and facilitator for leaders and organizations who wish to integrate this type of posture and shift as new ways of development and new channels for economic and sustainable growth in our west countries. I also work overseas in Guadeloupe, Algeria… Far more interesting is that every of my assertions shall be supported by concrete examples taken from my daily life so that should be acceptable for all participants and each one shall be able to reach an informed opinion. In the beginning of 2015 I created the "Club Agile Provence" in the south east of France as a sharing platform for leaders and managers who can reflect together during workshops about their Agile approaches and practices based on learning expeditions in south of France. I am also a member of the Rotary Club of Avignon-Chateauneuf du Pape and work for Rotary professionnal actions in this way. My professional life began in Paris as controller for great US and GB groups (Rockwell US, Colas GB). Then I installed a management control system in a french group of 17 companies. In 1999 I got through an Lbo with a little B to B regional company (25 employees) in the south of France. Then I developped the business and sold it to a more important group in 2008. That taught me the importance of a well managed team working in an Agile way for the benefit of all. It was my first practical and hands-on experience. Today my main goal in professional life is to share practises about Agile and each new practise which is really able to increase a sustainable development organisation.


This is an interactive conference inspired by a determination to fully implement the collective intelligence. First we will collect and map all the concerns of participants. Second we will give details about the Agile posture, way of management and organization. Third, we will consider each type of problematic and share experiences and practises about their origins to find solutions in Agile operation mode. Every organisation have to evolve specifically toward ever greater Agility as there is no standard recipe, but just some different ways. Synergies on all levels can be derived from Agile transformation for the well-being and benefit of all. After having been involved as controller in international groups, I discovered the strength of unlimited potential created by enthusiasm of the staff in my own little company during 10 years. Today I work in favour of win-win organizations where every employee is more responsible with his things and feel better as proactive force. In return, that would make the organization more intelligent and more efficient. Many forward thinking senior executives see this impending change as a clear opportunity to become more competitive as result of having a broader reach and lower costs. That brings also a new dynamic and more well-being for everyone. In this session we will focus on what Agile can solve in the organizations. We will use case studies from organizations that are getting it right.



Benefits for the attendees

- Show how Agile provides responses to the main managerial concerns in the companies. - Bring best understanding in what is covered by the concept of Agile in the organisations - Bring ideas to adopt Agile approaches, changing your posture and applying more collaborative processes to make organisations more productive and bring well-being to the staff, based on win-win relations. - Give a concrete positive view of benefits of these new ways of management. This conference/workshop is mainly dedicated to leaders, managers and everyone who works with a staff, to facilitate a real paradigm shift in their organisation and process. Every organisation needs adjust strategies and enhance the practices to address increasingly complex environment and manage the new generations. It also provides a message of hope through number of different concrete situations.

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