Agile Tour Luxembourg (Lux)

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Date & time

08 November 2011
Registrations from 13h30
Presentations and networking from 14h00 to 20h00


For the past few years Agile has spread in Luxembourg. This year Agile Tour is the opportunity to share feedback and experience about agile adoption and implementation in Luxembourg.

13h30 - 14h00 Welcome & Registration  
PART 1 (two parallel tracks)
  Track A Track B
14h00 - 14h35 Scrum in Sales: Mixing Good and Bad with some Ugly (See full description)
Speaker: Serge Craeghs, Sales & Marketing from ACA-IT
Why do we need Agile Coaches? - Sharing some real work experiences in the context of an agile transition.
Speaker: Sebastian Lang, Scrum Coach at Agfa Healthcare
14h40 - 15h15 Scrum 2.0 Masterclass (See full description)
Speaker: Pierre NEIS, Scrum coach at coProcess
Results of the working group on Agile-UX with a focus on how usability can help build the product backlog (in French)
Speakers: Christian Jolas and Michaël Masseroni, FLUPA members
15h20 - 15h55 Agile Test Tools - an introduction
(See full description)
Speaker: Christian Baumann, Agile Partner S.A.
Agile Transformation – What Does It Take to Become Agile? (See full description)
Speaker: Angela Druckman, Certified Scrum Trainer, Agile Process Mentor at CollabNet, Inc.
16h00 - 16h30 Coffee break  
16h30 - 18h30 Open Space meetings
In Open Space meetings participants create and manage their own agenda of parallel working sessions around a central theme.
All participants
18h30 - 20h00 Networking cocktail  

In collaboration with the FLUPA - France-Luxembourg Usability Professionals' Association.

For more information about Open Space Technology, visit or


CRP Henri Tudor 
29, avenue John F. Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg-Kirchberg

Entrance fee

Normal entrance fee: 10.00 EUR

Free for AIGLU members.

Free for FLUPA members.


Optima Consulting  Agile Partner

Want to be a sponsor? Contact us!


The Agile Tour 2011 Luxembourg is organized by the Agile Interest Group Luxembourg
Agile Interest Group Luxembourg