Build Innovation In with Agile (Colm O'hEocha - AgileInnovation) |
Agile is all about delivering software faster and more efficiently. WRONG! Its about delivering new knowledge and understanding, so we can build outstanding software that delivers the maximum business value. While the word innovation gets a lot of airplay, it usually plays second fiddle to delivering projects on time and keeping the lights on (BAU, Ops work). We might hold the odd hackathon, or give people 'innovation time' on a Friday afternoon (but only if they've completed all their 'real' work). But while we might recognise innovation is important, and we'll only survive long term by 'Outlearning the Competition', organisations struggle to encourage and leverage it in a sustainable way. We can define innovation as ‘the discovery, development and concrete implementation of new ideas’. Therefore it involves exploration (for discovery), learning (to develop) and delivery (to implement). While traditional, plan-driven development focuses only on delivery, agile frameworks such as Scrum and Kanban have knowledge creation, learning and innovation at their centre. Waterfall assumes the discovery and learning have already occurred, and that we know before we start what the most valuable features are and how long it will take to implement them. There is little focus on exploration or learning, leading to low support for innovation. In fact, these are often discouraged as they might endanger ‘the deadline’. Agile isn’t just about churning out code - it supports exploration and discovery with rapid learning by providing high quality feedback and a fail-safe culture. As we discover new knowledge, we can then redesign our solutions and rework our plans appropriately - that is, we can be ‘agile’. By combining exploration and discovery with concrete implementation (e.g. in Scrum you deliver production ready software every sprint), agile bakes innovation into the heart of the way we work. it ‘Builds Innovation In’ rather that treating it as a distinct activity, carried out separately from the work of software delivery. In this short talk, I’ll elaborate on some core agile concepts that support innovation - from both human and systems viewpoints. |
The seven Deadly Sins of Scrum (Fran O'Hara - Inspire Quality Services) |
The seven deadly sins of Scrum The intent of Scrum is to deliver potentially releasable software every Sprint. However, in practice I continue to see many implementations of Scrum that struggle to deliver value early and often. Inappropriate interpretation and implementation of the roles, events and artifacts of Scrum often undermine the ability to utilise effective agile technical practices and deliver the required level of quality. This presentation highlights the most common pitfalls observed in practice using Scrum. It provides insights into why they occur, warning signs to look out for and then suggests how they can be addressed. |
Building Scrum Teams around Business Outcomes (Sarah Wilson and Paul Hayes - AXA) |
We'll discuss how careful adoption of Scrum helped us move our focus from Outputs to Outcomes, from Projects to Products. |
Agile and DevOps teams: test value first (Vincent Pretre - Hiptest) |
Over the past few years, my team has moved from a release every 2 weeks to continuous deployment (between 5 to 10 times a day) and DevOps. The team faces new challenges in terms of testing but also has new exciting opportunities. In some contexts, it is better to deploy a feature quickly, test its behavior in production and then optimize it once all assumptions made during development are validated. It's the "build, test and learn" motto. During this talk we will share our approach to testing continuously from idea to production. |
Experiences with Kanban (John Molamphy - Fleetmatics) |
Recently acquired by Verizon for $2.4 Billion, Fleetmatics is a huge Irish success story and a leading global provider of connected vehicle and mobile workforce systems delivered as software-as-a-service (SaaS). John will discuss the lean journey in Fleetmatics, and the lessons learned through the transformation. |
Our 6 month journey from Scrum to Kanban (Hugh O'Donoghue, Gordon McGuirk and Colum Kelly - DING) |
From January to July of this year, Ding underwent a large transformation from a Scrum based development process to one based on Kanban and in the process changed our whole approach to development, QA and product management. Heck, even our finance group are now using Kanban. Hear first-hand about what motivated us to do this, what we did it, what worked (and what didn’t), the benefits we’ve seen so far and what lies ahead for us. This talk is for anyone who is using a Scrum based process but struggling with problematic sprints, in-effective stand-ups, delivery bottlenecks, poorly understood work and little or no metrics. We have seen great improvements and enjoyed the transformation so much that we’d love to share our experience you. |
Allstate from the classic to the cutting edge (Feargus McCauley & Gillian Spence - Allstate) |
Allstates agile journey over the last 2 years from a Product Manager viewpoint. |
Improving Quality by Improving Collaboration (Joanna Koprowicz -Travelport Digital) |
"The idea of this talk is to present some common patterns in successful agile testing and to explore the challenging transformation from the traditional way of thinking about software testing to an agile and lean way of assuring quality. During this talk I will discuss; improving testing by improving collaboration. Creating collaborative culture, where everyone is responsible for the quality of their work and everyone has confidence in the quality of their code. Facilitating a high trust system - an arrangement in which employees have a great deal of autonomy and control, accompanied by corresponding accountability and responsibilities. The challenging part is to build a strong organizational agile culture and then to cultivate this mindset on ongoing basis. I will analyze why it’s important to build a right culture from the start, where the extended Team is responsible for the quality. I will also explore, why there is no value in posters or preaching about the quality and security. “The improvement of the daily work needs to be showing up where it needs to be - in the daily work.” The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford. Another important topic, I’d like to discuss during that talk is creating reliable software releases and guarding quality through building an automated deployment pipeline. I will back up my talk with some practical examples of how collaborative approach (3 amigos, swarming, pairing, mob programming) resulted in improved quality and faster pace in few organizations I worked so far. The talk is designed to trigger thinking and willingness to experiment in search for better solutions. Thus we will discuss few techniques which might be useful to different teams and organizations." |
Make My Team Great Again (Mary Walshe - Aviva) |
#fakeAgile Lessons learned from coaching agile teams. As a team we believed we were agile. We used post-its, we stood up around boards on walls to visualise our work. We did 3 amigos and BDD and we released regularly. The reality was that we all had alternative facts about what was actually happening on our team and how a user story got from someones mind to the customer. This led to lots of finger pointing and throwing of work over fences. SAD! I would like to share with you how we solved this problem on our teams. |
Crafting a sense of purpose in agile development teams (Aidan Casey - Wavebreak Media) |
Creating a sense of urgency with drop dead deadlines to get a feature out the door quickly almost always backfires. Maintaining a constant state of urgency takes a huge amount of effort and it undermines trust. Artificial milestones , drop dead dates and hurrying to get things built faster demoralises your team and results in absolute mediocrity. Instead you need to create a stronger sense of purpose in your team. A deep understanding of why a feature needs to built will motivate your team to own the result. People are then more engaged and they own the outcome and result. A shared passion to deliver the best result for a your customers takes over and becomes infectious. You now need to step out of the way and let your team to get on with it. In this talk I’ll take you through a number of techniques to establish a collaborative and trusted team culture which will help you to inspire your team and empower them to a common sense of purpose. |
Paddy AgileMan, Paddy LeanMan, Paddy DevOpsWoman walk into a bank (Andrea Baker, Ciara Farrelly and Linda Beckett - AIB) |
AIB: Our journey to DevOps from grass roots agile adoption to value stream mapping for lean efficiencies. |
A talk about successful product delivery and how to get there? (Magda Targosz - AA) |
What we will be learning together is how important it is to understand our customers before building products. How many of those products end up being never used! What I will be explaining in this session is how to best approach product development and how to ensure that your product delivers on the business and customer objective. To follow a famous quote: Sell the problem you solve, not the product! |
Controlling Chaos, Using Metrics to Transform A Dev Team to Accelerate Delivery (Rob Healy - Ammeon) |
In 2015 a software development team called Chaos was going through a state of transition. The team had got several new members, a new Product Owner and the Scrum Master had just left. The remaining members did not know if the team would survive for six months. This talk will show how we used metrics as a backbone to establish a new culture withing the team to become recognised as a high-performing team and to thrive, and to win a major project and deliver it. |
Learning how to lead (John Paul Howe and Elaine Wilson - HMH) |
At HMH we build software for Students and Teachers that live within the 21st century, in the past we’ve built that software using 20th century management techniques. We’ve recognised that leaders in modern software development need support. We have begun a way of embedding this support into our culture. In this talk JP will speak to how we have started and what it means to be a Delivery Lead at HMH |
How the DiSC Model helps me with my teams (Frederic Oehl - Storyful) |
In this presentation I will introduce the DiSC Model and illustrate how it helps me with my teams. |
Lessons learned from the agile trenches (Andrew Mullaney - Newswhip) |
I’ll take though our experiences of agile and how it blends with a wider management system, company culture and human nature. Also chat about using it to deploy system architecture, Machine learning and design experimentation cycles. |
The Pizza Kanban Game (David Denham and Maria Connor - Workday) |
In this workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of Kanban by making pizza! While it does not involve the art of making pizza dough or tomato sauce, this game teaches the core principles and practices you need to get your team up and running with Kanban straight away. We have played this at our meetups and also used it to help train our Kanban teams at Workday. Invented by an Italian (obviously) and involving lots of paper, scissors and cutting, the Pizza Kanban Game a great way to learn and have fun all at the same time. |
A simple recipe for building fun Agile retrospectives (Lucia Marconi and Conor Cosgrove - Overstock) |
Are your retros as effective as they could be? Could it be that they are a little tired, or worse…. a bit boring? When retros become routine, or when we follow the same format each time, people can switch onto autopilot and end up going through the motions. This workshop shows you ways to make your retros more interesting and effective, by using a few different yet simple approaches. |
The Marshmallow Challenge (Michelle Almeida) |
An introduction to BDD using python (Colm Harrington - Dell/EMC) |
All too often, what is actually tested for a software release is completely opaque to management. Behaviour driven development (BDD) has an important part to play in the communication of what your teams software does. A key part in the role of BDD is to make the agile process of automated acceptance testing more accessible to the wider team regardless of their technical background. In this workshop we will look at writing, and running, a simple suite of tests that are build from the ground up using the products feature documentation. Although we will use Python & Gherkin for this workshop, the principles involved could be applied to any technology stack. Maximum 20 participants - you will need to bring your laptop with Python installed (minimum version: python 2.7.9 or Python 3.4). |